a movie project

by Luca Hartmann
aka Puca Production

“Water as a source of identity, inspiration and shaping element of our existence and culture”

About the project

“Layers” is a cinematic journey into the fascinating complexity of water. The documentary portrays people from different countries and cultures whose lives and work are profoundly influenced by water and the sea. From individual, emotional, social and aesthetic perspectives, the film explores the universal significance of this element, posing questions with artistic sensitivity such as:

  • What fascinates us about water?

  • How does water influence our way of life and culture?

  • What layers of meaning, inspiration and influence does water carry?

Genre and style

“Layers” is an experimental documentary film that is characterized by its artistic approach and visual narrative style. Instead of a classic, linear structure, the film relies on a fragmentary narration that in- terweaves different perspectives.

The film moves between observation, staging and reflection in order to give the viewer immersive access to the stories and thoughts of the protagonists.


The majority of the shots, including eleven portraits and addi- tional artistic sequences, have already been generated in Chile and Switzerland. The remaining portraits and additional shots are scheduled for completion by the end of 2025. Postproduction should then be completed by the end of 2026.


In order to finance the remaining work and upcoming costs, funding is being applied for from cultural funding bodies in Switzerland. The support is intended to ensure that the film can be completed with the necessary artistic and technical quality.


I’m happy to get in touch with you!
instagram: puca_production

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